مساعد البشير يلتقي مع المبعوث الأميركي

بحث مساعد الرئيس السوداني م. إبراهيم محمود حامد، مع المبعوث الأميركي الخاص للسودان ودولة جنوب السودان دونالد بوث، يوم الأربعاء، بالقصر الرئاسي التعاون بين الولايات المتحدة الأميركية والسودان، في القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك بين البلدين.

وأوضح المبعوث الأميركي، في تصريحات صحفية، عقب اللقاء طبقاً لوكالة الأنباء السودانية، أن اللقاء تناول الجهود المشتركة للوصول إلى نتائج، في ما يتعلق بوقف العدائيات في إطار التفاوض بين الحكومة والمعارضة.

ووصف المبعوث بوث اللقاء بأنه كان “مثمراً وبناءً”.

شبكة الشروق

تعليق واحد

  1. Mr, D Booth U S special envoy to Sudan and Southern Sudan ,
    Dear sir ,
    As representative of your Govrenment , you must have noticed how poor is her performanse twards endinng the allout civil war in Sudan .
    On the cotrary it has ascalated . Since you assumed office in 2113 , there hasnt been any progress in any credible way .
    The situation is now worse .
    From the experience yiu have gained so far in Athiopia , Zammbia and other Countries we think that government has got no intentiins to stop . The time has come now to face it head-o .
    The present Government now is representig no body after the on going Civil Disobediece .
    Sudanese People are taking the matter in Their hand obviousely . Now enough is enough

  2. Mr, D Booth U S special envoy to Sudan and Southern Sudan ,
    Dear sir ,
    As representative of your Govrenment , you must have noticed how poor is her performanse twards endinng the allout civil war in Sudan .
    On the cotrary it has ascalated . Since you assumed office in 2113 , there hasnt been any progress in any credible way .
    The situation is now worse .
    From the experience yiu have gained so far in Athiopia , Zammbia and other Countries we think that government has got no intentiins to stop . The time has come now to face it head-o .
    The present Government now is representig no body after the on going Civil Disobediece .
    Sudanese People are taking the matter in Their hand obviousely . Now enough is enough

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